Get the most from your links

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Annual payment is more profitable
0 monthly
annual one-time charge of 0
3 monthly
annual one-time charge of 30
9 monthly
annual one-time charge of 90
29 monthly
annual one-time charge of 290
99 monthly
annual one-time charge of 990
Key features
Total short links Maximum number of short links included in subsrtiption plan 1000 10000 Unlimited Unlimited
Clicks tracked per month All of your links will always work and redirect. However, the number of links that you can track and see in the analytics depends on your subscription plan 100000 100000 Unlimited Unlimited
Number of redirects The number of redirects is not limited on all subscription plans, i.e. your links will work and redirect users to the destination address without any limits. Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Smart links per month Maximum number of Smart links can be generated per month. Smart links can redirect user depending on the conditions you specify, e.g. country, browser language, type of user device (PC or mobile device), etc. 10 200 1000 5000
Branded links per month The maximum number of branded links that you can generate every month. Branded links are the links with your own domain name in the URL. Branded links improve brand awareness. 500 500 1500 25000
Custom links per month The number of customized links can be generated per month. Customized links are links with the specified right-half side of the link (a.k.a. 'slug' or 'path' of the URL). Customized links are more understandable to a human, may reflect the purpose and meaning of the link. Users trust and click on them more often. 1000 1000 2500 5000
Branded domains Maximum number of branded domains in your plan. You can use your own branded domain for your short links. You can setup DNS records for your domain in order to enable shortening your links with that domain in the short URL body via web interface. 2 2 3 5
Total wowpages Maximum number of wowpages available in your account. You can create a wowpages ad integrate them into your short link so that every user who clicked on your link will see your brand logo, your vision message, disclaimer or any other important information for a few seconds prior to redirecting to the destination address. 3 5 10 25
Premium domains Premium short and Regulatory-compliant domains with FTC disclosure right in the domain name (e.g.,,, etc.)
Short links (per day) The maximum number of new links that you can generate every day 100 1500 4000 10000
Regulatory Compliant links
Regulatory-Compliant links per month Maximum number of Regulatory-Compliant links that you can generate per month. Regulatory-Compliant links contain FTC disclosure in the URL body and optionally on the wowpage to ensure that visitor does not miss the disclosure and that your link is fully compliant with the Regulation requirements. Note that other requirements of the regulations such as FTC have to be met as well in order to make your post, video, or stories fully compliant. 50 50 100 500
Total Regulatory-compliant links Maximum number of Regulatory-compliant links included in your plan 100 1000 Unlimited Unlimited
Custom regulatory-compliant links per month Muximum number of custom Regulatory-compliant links per month 25 25 50 250
Compliant domains Regulatory-compliant domains with FTC disclosure right in the domain name available in your plan (e.g.,,, etc.)
Compliant disclosure wowpages You can integrate an wowpage with disclosure to your Regulatory-compliant link to make it impossible to miss the disclosure for the user and make your short link Regulatory-compliant. You can make the wowpage with disclosure redirecting automatically after few seconds or by clicking the button "Continue". Note that other requirements of the regulations such as FTC have to be met as well in order to make your post, video, or stories fully compliant
Branded domains and links
Free SSL certificates (https://) Traffic incription for your branded domain and branded links via HTTPS protocol with SSL certificate to provide extra security
Custom branded links per month ::rates_plan_branded_custom_links_month_hint 50 250 1000 2500
404 Redirects Redirecting to the custom 404 error page for branded links that are misspelled or no longer exist
Conversion tracking
UTM builder You can add UTM parameters to your links and make its statistics available in Google Analytics
Total number of tracking pixels The maximum number of tracking pixels in your plan. Tracking pixels from leading advertising platforms such as Google, Facebook, etc. allow you to track conversions and retarget your audience, optimizing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. 3 5 10 50
Tracking pixels per link Maximum number of 3rd party tracking pixels connected to one link 1 2 2 5
Premium tracking pixel from provides its own premium tracking pixel that allows conversion tracking using platform. Tracking conversions through your links helps to optimize your marketing campaigns and focus on the source of traffic that brings more value.
Total links per each pixel Maximum links per pixel 25 10 10 50
Smart links and deep linking
Total smart links Maximum number of Smart links in your plan. Smart links can redirect depending on the conditions you specify, e.g. country, browser language, type of user device (PC or mobile device), etc. 100 200 500 Unlimited
Smart conditions per each link Maximum number of Smart redirection conditions available in one link 3 5 5 10
Link password protection You can set a password to limit access to the destination page and protect your link from unauthorized access.
Geo targeting Link traffic redirection depending on the users' country
Device targeting Link traffic redirection depending on the type of device
Browser targeting Link traffic redirection depending on the type of browser
Language targeting Link traffic redirection depending on the language set in user's browser
Platform targeting Link traffic redirection depending on the platform
Link expiration You can set the life time for the link or the date when it should expire and stop redirecting
Links management
Editable destination URL You can update the destination address for your links so that it redirects to a different address
Link search You can search your links in your account by link ID, link address, domain, campaign and tag. Link search tool helps to find the required links for active users that have many links in their account.
QR codes Generate and download Quick Response code (QR code) representing your short link
Link notes You can mark your links with a searchable description that can help you to find that link later
Links with wowpage You can integrate a wowpages to your links so that the user who clicked on your short link well first see the wowpage prior to get redirected to the destination. The maximum number of such links depends on your subscription plan.
Short links per month Maximum number of new short links that can be created per month 1000 10000 10000 50000
Can remove your short links Remove unwanted and unused short links
Campaign management
Link grouping by campaigns You can group your links by campaigns and analyze aggregated statistics for the group of links that belong to the selected campaign
Campaigns analytics You can get an aggregated statistics for the group of links that belong to the selected campaign
Link grouping by tags You can assign one or more tags to each of your links and analyze aggregated statistics for the group of links that have certain tegs assigned to them.
Tag analytics You can get an aggregated statistics for the group of links that have the selected tags assigned
Total campaigns in your plan Maximum number of campaigns included in your plan. Campaigns allow you to group links by advertising campaign, customer, traffic source, etc. to simplify further search of the links, as well as to collect analytics and statistics for all the links that belong to the required advertising campaign. 5 15 25 250
Total tags in your plan Maximum number of tags included in your plan. Tags allow you to group links by topic, customer, traffic source, etc. to simplify further search of the links, as well as to collect analytics and statistics on link groups rather than only individual links. 5 15 25 250
Total links per each tag The maximum number of links that can be grouped in one tag 25 50 100 500
Total links per each campaign The maximum number of links that can be grouped in one campaign 25 100 200 1000
Maximum tags per link Maximum number of tags that can be assigned to one link 3 5 5 10
Can remove your campaigns Remove unwanted and unused campaigns
Can remove your tags Remove unwanted and unused tags
Conversion analytics You can track conversions (signups, purchases, subscriptions etc.) of the users clicked on different links and compare conversion rate for the links by inserting premium pixel into confirmation page. pixel and conversion tracking allows optimization of traffic from different social media and other channels to gain more revenue from your marketing campaigns
Aggregated Analytics Access to the aggregated click statistics data for your links, campaigns, links groupped by tegs
Statistics by day of the week Click distribution statistics by day of the week. You can check which day of the week people click on your links more.
Statistics by hour Click distribution statistics by time of the day. You can check which hour people click on your links more.
Statistics by country Click distribution statistics by country
Statistics by device type Click distribution statistics by device type (PC, mobile, tablet etc.)
Statistics by platform Click distribution statistics by platform (Windows, OS X, Android, iOS etc.)
Statistics by browser Click distribution statistics by browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge etc.)
Detailed click statistics Detailed click analytics including country, browser, device type, language, platform and other information
Data storage (days) Duration of the stored data displayed in your account graphs, tables, data exports 90 365 365 365 730
Links per wowpage Maximum number of links where you can use wowpage 25 25 25 50
Text blocks per wowpage Maximum number of text blocks in one wowpage 25 25 25 50
Number of images per wowpage Maximum number of images in one wowpage 25 25 25 50
Video blocks per wowpage Maximum number of video blocks in one wowpage 10 10 10 25
Social network blocks per wowpage Maximum number of 'Social Networks' blocks per wowpage 10 10 10 25
Wowpages receive per month Users can share their wowpages with you. The number of pages that you can receive depends on you subscription plan. 5 25 25 50
Wowpages transfer per month You can share your wowpages with other users. The number of pages that you can share depends on you subscription plan. 25 25 25 50
Maximum image size in wowpages (kb) Maximum size of every image that can be used to your wowpage(kilobytes) 1500 1500 1500 1500
Total image storage in your plan (MB) Maximum total volume of all images in your image library 100 200 200 300
Maximum links in one wowpage The maximum links which you can use with the one wowpage immediately Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Can remove your wowpages Remove unwanted and unused wowpages
Training and support
Demo by request and onboarding On some subscription plans you can request an online meeting with our manager, who will conduct a product demonstration and familiarize you with the platform.
Customer support Customer support and technical support can be provided via Contact Us button. Our technical support team will reply to your request by email normally within 48 hours.
Priority technical support Priority technical support for customers who need an enhanced level of service with priority access to technical support specialists for faster resolution of technical issues.
Account management On some plans, a your individual account manager will be available for you. Our account manager will be constantly in touch and ready to provide you assistance or advice shortly.
Knowledge center A knowledge database with step-by-step instructions and technical documentation that helps you learn how to use platform
API Enhance your app or web service with API providing the widest functionality on the market, advanced statistics, conversion tracking and marketing campaigns analytics.
Export Data Export account data to the external devices or system
Team Access The access to the account for team members granted by account admin
it's possible to share link analytics You can share analytics of a campaign, tag, wowpage or short-link and protect it with a password
Additional charts on dashboard The ability to customize the received analytics 2 3 3 5
Need a custom plan?
If subscription plans above don’t match your needs, features or pricing, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for a custom package.
Contact us
  • Unique FeaturesAttractive and catchy Wow-links with branded and compliant link features as well as wowpages for brand promotion!
  • Branded DomainsYou can use your own domain to shorten URL links and add WOW effect using product.
  • WowpagesNow you can create your own wowpages for your short links without knowing html or how to program websites
  • Advanced Statistics & AnalyticsPromote your product and service, create & launch advertising campaigns, get detailed actionable insights directly into your dashboard or export into the external tools
  • Smart linksSet up smart redirect conditions for your links and define where your link should redirect users.
  • URL safety checkYour links are automatically checked by the world's leading cyber-security tools.
Your subscription will no longer be renewed. You will be able to use paid services until the end of the current period.